Your First Meeting
When in person meetings are not possible, BNI® Online is a fantastic online meeting platform. It’s a simple and effective way to build and stay connected to your network from the comfort of your home or office. All it takes is a couple of mouse clicks.
Find a local Chapter
Your first step is to find a local Chapter and register for a meeting. We have over 11,057 Chapters all over the world. The registration process is easy. You will receive emails from the local Chapter leadership with information about the meeting and a link to participate in a meeting.
What to Expect
Visitors like you attend Chapter meetings all the time. Members are excited to meet you and make every effort to make the experience fun and productive for you. There is a proven agenda used worldwide to make the most of your time.Proven Agenda
During the meeting, you’ll have a few seconds to share your name, your business, and how you help your clients. It’s that easy and is only a few mouse clicks away.
Relationships and Referrals
You will see networking in action. Members will be building relationships and sharing referrals to help each other grow their businesses.
Member Mindset
The most successful Chapters of BNI are comprised of a team of people who are sincerely committed to helping one another.
As a Member
As a BNI Member, you are part of an exclusive network dedicated to helping grow your business. By building relationships with fellow Chapter Members, you will create a supportive network that will go beyond your Chapter meetings.
What can happen after you attend this meeting
When members agree you are a good fit for the Chapter, you will be invited to apply for
BNI Membership. BNI Membership helps you generate more sales with consistent growth,
less effort and lower cost than other marketing methods.
Global Members
Global Chapters
Member Referrals
Member Generated Business